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PHANTOM NATION: Inventing the “Palestinians” as the Obstacle to Peace

by Sha’i ben-Tekoa


Author’s Bio

Sha’i ben-Tekoa, an American-Israeli journalist, was born, raised and educated in the United States of America. He received a B.A. in Comparative Religion from Columbia University and did graduate work in same at the University of Chicago Divinity School. A traveler in Arab lands, he served in the Yom Kippur War effort of 1973. His articles on the Arab-Israeli conflict, terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism have appeared in The Wall Street Journal, National Review, Midstream, Congress Monthly and other publications. He appeared on American Public Broadcasting’s The MacNeil-Lehrer NewsHour. In 1991, he was active in helping to liberate thousands of Jews from Yemen. Inpreparation for that year’s historic Arab-Israeli peace conference in Madrid, he also worked on

assignment for the Office of Prime Minister of Israel Yitzhak Shamir. Formerly the lead English language commentator for, his Internet radio commentary and music program can be heard at


*Ruth King, Board of Directors, Americans for a Safe Israel, in the Outpost, April, 2015.

“…meticulously researched…These volumes are packed with more information that any single book on the history of Israel. Ben-Tekoa chronicles it all–from the early pre-state Zionists, to the rebirth of the Jewish state, through the endless wars and terrorism, to the present Holocaust denial and international anti-Semitism…Ben-Tekoa understands the role that the Koran and Islam have played in the Muslim/Arab war against Israel. Israel stands in the way of Muslim dreams of a Caliphate with Sharia law throughout the Middle East.


In this respect, he goes beyond some of the best books on the conflict, including the late Irish politician Conor Cruise O’Brien’s The Siege and Samuel Katz’s Battleground.

The blood curdling anti-Jewish fulminations of Iran are a call for a final jihad against Israel. Bat Ye’or in her many books and articles detailed the Islamic origins of anti-Israel hatred as did the late Saul Friedman in his splendid Land of Dust.


I highly recommend Ben-Tekoa’s work. Phantom Nation belongs in homes, libraries, and should be studied by all Israel support organizations.”


*Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld, PhD, Director American Center for Democracy

“…an amazing document…”


Dr. Nan Marie Greer, PhD, Sociology and Anthropology Department, University of Redlands


A refreshing, intimate and comprehensive understanding of the history and politics of the region that must be told. With eloquence, clarity, and an entertaining flair, the author records the contrived, false narratives designed to destroy the modern Israeli state. Brilliantly presented, profound, refreshing and fascinating. This book is a must read.


Brilliant and Informative Insight


From Amazon customer on, May 1, 2016 

I'm a proud American-Israeli Jew. To my horror, I have seen so much bigotry and false accusation against Israel on social media I wasn't sure how to make the case for Israel effectively, that is until I studied Phantom Nation. The author brings brilliant and informative insight to the conflict and many, many facts which are never brought to light. By far is the best book I have studied on the topic!


A Tremendous Piece of Research

From Y K on, March 19, 2015

Shai, I bought your 3 volumes of PN. I have read just the first 10 pages and I’m literally shaking. This looks to be a tremendous piece of literature, rich in facts and powerfully written. It tears apart lies that have hardened into concrete with a jackhammer. It’s ferocious.


This Book is Phenomenal!

By Maya Cohen on July 9, 2015


Shai brings forth history and facts layer by layer exposing the myth of the “indigenous Palestinians in Palestine.” I find it very effective especially when speaking to anti-Israel activists.”


By Maya Cohen on August 30, 2015

Dealing with the accusation that my country has no right to exist on campuses, I find Shai’s work to be the best informative work on history of the conflict. In reading just a few chapters I gained so much knowledge of the conflict. The best work out there by far!!


Different angle on things

By Michael Hetherington "J. H." on June 28, 2015


“A fantastic and informative publication on the nature of the state called Palestine, something not many if any other publications will dare to talk or write about, it is an insight to the serious problem  that the Middle East problem poses to the World and the very one sided view presented by mainstream media/press…I was more than satisfied with this purchase and would highly recommend it to anyone genuinely trying to get a better and more balanced understanding of this intractable problem.”


A Mind Opening Work

By MTAB on June 18, 2015

Format: Paperback Verified Purchase

“A mind opening work. This book provides so many insights with so many facts that it’s actually exhausting to read but in a very good way. This author combines the mind of a refined intellectual with the guts of a boxer. This is a special book. If you want to make sense of the State of Israel and its challenges, read this book. It’s terrific.”


Essential Reading for Experts, New, Old, and those who wish to operate from a basis of education, fact and solid research

By Santa Monica Ears on October 8, 2014

Format: Paperback Verified Purchase

“Shai Ben Tekoa has written a fine historical review with his book on the Palestinian Myth. …[He is] an excellent historian and researcher…For those who wish to become experts, Sha’i ben Tekoa provides an essential work for any student of the so-called Israel-"Palestinian" conflict.”


There is so much mendacity propagated by the left and...

By Peter Holdforth on August 28, 2014

Format: Paperback Verified Purchase

“There is so much mendacity propagated by the left and Dhimmi politicians about Palestine…this work will be discredited as right wing by the “progressive” elite and Shai Ben-Tekoa will be subjected to the usual leftist sneer, smear and slander campaign. He should wear it as a badge of honour.”



By Glen Marv Eilon "text editor" on June 5, 2014

“This essay is truly a mine of information…Shai Ben-Tekoa has done his research…”


Best recounting of the phantom nation that plagues Bnai Israel

By David T on May 9, 2014

“This is the best recounting of events that created the false identity of Israel’s enemies. The word Palestinian" is anti-Semitism and this author will leave no doubt in your mind as to the struggle between good and evil; civilization and barbarism. A must read. The West would be well warned to learn the lessons here.”


The Palestinian hoax and it's impact on the Middle East

By Carla Siegel on April 16, 2014

Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase

“The great strength of this book is its remarkable detail of facts that will allow for a better

understanding of what the conflict between Israel and the Arabs is all about. The book should be read by all, but most importantly by Israelis and Western leaders and legislators who can help change the course of history for the better by being able to make the proper decisions based on the knowledge attained from having read this book.”

Readers’ Reviews of PHANTOM NATION



By William B "Texas" on April 8, 2014

Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase

“This is an extraordinary book. If you have any real interest in seeking out the “root cause” of the Arab/Israeli conflict, Sha’i ben-Tekoa will inform you in masterful detail. Indeed, the bibliography and footnotes alone are worth adding this book to your library; but, most of all it reveals “...the most shocking experiences...” surrounding the increasingly successful propaganda war waged against the Jews by the Muslim horde and the worldwide political left. How is it that these unholy bedfellows have managed to deceive and distort the rightful claim of the Jewish people to their ancient homeland? How is it that the truth of that claim can be slowly drown in the cesspool of hate and

deception of a sham “peace process”? This book will measure out a most valuable grasp of these issues and perhaps give us all an insight into the even broader question of why such a tiny people would bear the vilification of such a host of enemies.”


Smashing the Myth

By Barbara Rosen on March 20, 2014

Format: Paperback Verified Purchase

“Phantom Nation is a fascinating, factual expose of the myth of an ancient Palestinian Nation. Sha’i Ben Tekoa unravels the twisted threads of the story involving the enduring conflict between Muslims and Jews, the restoration of the nation of Israel and the motives behind the enduring conflict. The breadth of his knowledge, both Biblical and historical, shed a bright light on the creation of the Palestinians as a way to redefine a religious conflict dating back to Mohammed.”


Very, very, extremely impressive!

By Product Review on January 18, 2014

Format: Paperback Verified Purchase

“Phantom Nation explores the people and events that shaped the history of the growing nation of Israel envied by others...the Arabs' quest for property that did not belong to them...has the reader stunned and amazed by the lengths taken to rewrite historical facts, efforts to de-legitimize the Jewish nation, and replace it with a new, made up nation called Palestinians.” 


A truthful accounting...

By Zach on October 25, 2013

Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase

A relentless and thorough presentation of historical fact, arranged in chronological order. Many sources are cited…he draws the reader's attention to the incremental corruption of language used to describe tactics, people and places, culminating in a new and fictitious "Palestinian narrative"...Truth turned upside-down. If you wonder how the conflict began, or why it continues today, then read this book. Many surprises throughout. Highly recommended.


Incredible detail…

Zackary D. Barron on July 30, 2015

Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase

Readers’ Reviews of PHANTOM NATION

I'll admit this is not the most positive book in that it proposes an ultimate solution to the state of pseudo-war that exists between "Palestinians" (a made up term) and Israelis. But the detail is unparalleled and the author writes in an engaging manner…A bit cynical, but a fount of knowledge on the subject nonetheless.


This is the best book that I have read in a long time

By Lucian on August 6, 2015

Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase

This is the best book that I have read in a long time. Very well researched. The author draws logical, original and clear conclusions. It is not just another rehash of the events. The whole situation starts making sense since the conflict is shown in its historical perspective. No political correctness and no

pandering to the official version of history. People with left leaning proclivity might not like it, but such people should read this book the most, to learn to verify and question their ideas.


Tell it like it is!

By Hilary Nissenbaum on August 6, 2015

Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase

An excellent, concise account of verifiable historical fact. The book should be read by most of the current crop of uninformed leftist western media who have a genetic disposition to Jew-hatred. Not to mention an unnaturally high number of self-hating uninformed Jews around the world. It's a great read.


Extremely well documented and an intense must read!

August 18, 2018

Format: HardcoverVerified Purchase

After a life changing accident, I have spent the last two decades reading a few thousand works; mostly non-fiction and this is one read I highly recommend.

The author has presented, perhaps, the most in-depth study of modern history of the Jewish people while continually touching back into history and relating each and every event from the past toward today's reality. Make no mistake about it, this subject is all about corrupt politics, anti-semitism and Islam. Sadly, all three are playing out hand in hand within all Western nations (with full cooperation, financing and

coordination of many non-Western nations) with Israel and the right minded, especially, Jews bearing the brunt. I most certainly hope that the leaders within the Israeli, and all Western Governments, read this extremely well documented and well-presented work. I am betting the outcome would be World changing in a positive way: 1. The "Palestinians" do not exist (perhaps in a contorted way one might refer to The Arch of Titus on the Via Sacra in Rome to see who the real - if any at all existed - 'Palestinian' people are or were....) 2. That Islam is incompatible with all that is non-Islamic especially the Jew: Islam has never, cannot and will never afford peace with the Kafir; only the Hudna (temporary truce). In fact, Islam is immensely contradictory to, utterly intolerant of and

vehemently combative toward near-everything the Western nations, and Western civilization, were founded upon and hold/held dear....that is if anyone actually bothers to read the Islamic texts, delve into Islam's theo-political jurisprudence: Sharia and study Islamic history; especially related to the Readers’ Reviews of PHANTOM NATION

Kafir: you. Further, the Arabs/Muslims never knew any "Palestinians" or "Palestine" throughout their history. In actual fact Muhammad never knew any "Palestinians" either considering he'd have mentioned them within the Qur'an but he did know Israel and Jews and identified them with their lands in Israel. In actual fact, everything with regard to history of the region has been utterly contorted by Islamic doctrine and, sadly, perpetuated onto all Muhammadans for the past 1400 years. Everything within the Qur'an, for example, has been basically taken from earlier Christian and Jewish sources...only re-presented entirely out of context or purposefully molested to elevate Muhammadanism over and above the Christian/Christianity and the Jew/Judaism with all directly

related to this sad situation: Arab-Jewish Conflict over the REGION of Palestine and the invention of the "Palestinian" People. I could write for a very long time on this subject due to having read hundreds of books relating to it.......AND this work is by far above any other. In actual fact, I personally contacted the author to appeal to him to send copies to President Trump, Vice President Pence, the UN and leaders of all Western nations in hope they read it and consider the impact knowing the truth would hold over the immense criminality, perversions and murderous history of everything surrounding this subject has held for all players wherever they may reside. The inventing of "The Palestinian People" - as well a "West Bank" - is an insult to all Christians, Christianity, all Jews and Judaism but most especially the State of Israel because it – like 'multiculturalism', 'diversity' and 'political correctness' has - hollowed out and eviscerated each and every respective 'host nation's culture, their history, heritage and very being. All Christians and Jews - actually anyone with a moral compass and a passion for factually correct history - must read this book. Fabulous read and should have been written about - and publicly embraced by ALL Western nations - decades ago.  Five stars and two thumbs up!


November 22, 2018 - Amazon Kindle review

I was born at a time when Palestinians were understood as referring to Jews. The homeland for the Jews was called 'Palestine' and the word 'Israel' only appeared in Scriptures. Much has changed in my lifetime, especially meanings. 'Palestinians' no longer are Jews, and 'Palestine' is not Jews' homeland name. The identity description 'Palestinian' is now held by Arabs (exclusively so), them being the people from the Arab nation called 'Palestine'. How this remarkable shift came about is patiently traced, fascinatingly documented, and analytically critiqued by book's author Sha'i ben-Tekoa. Gems

are to be found.


Through this book, many gaps in my knowledge of the political history of the still ongoing Arab- Israeli conflict were narrowed when the author connected the dots. For instance, new to me is the 'Algerian connection' with the new Palestinians in their 'resistance' to Jews, anywhere. Having lived through the 'Cold War' and observing the Western Left's adoration of Marx and Lenin I always experienced and felt the decade of the 1960ies being particularly horrible and the book reignited that feeling in unexpected ways. Shocking reading is about the long and deadly civil war in Lebanon, and often the 'Palestinian'

connection in it all, particularly Arafat's.


The book discusses in varying detail seemingly every hijack of passenger air planes perpetrated by PLO or associate terror syndicates, with the inevitable loss of innocent life. The security, of ground and air, in the world as it was then in the late 20th century was very lax compared with today's strict security measures for air travel and airports. Of course, in 2001 the Saudis sealed forever any pretence of the innocence, excitement, freedom and glamour of air travel and 'airport experience'. The book is a hefty read and may be experienced as exhausting for the terror-by-terror description of acts of Palestinian 'resistance' throughout the decades, and of how these acts are smoothed over or are reported in mainly US mainstream media. Author Sha'i ben-Tekoa is not shy in giving his

critique on anti-Israel reporting and manipulative journalism. The same on the UN and European nations. The book's author sharply critiques Jewish personages in politics and journalism, in or outside Israel.


As a goy, it is remarkable to see the existence of much friction amongst Jewry, between those pro and contra Israel or between those for and against the interest of Israel. One starts to wonder if Jewry is not on the path of self-destruction in terms of its homeland Israel. Author Sha'i ben-Tekoa also highlights the friction between Arab nations / leaders. Perhaps enmity (or fratricide) is a speciality of the people of Araby. One of book's attraction is the 20th century history of 'Palestine' clothed in its new Arab livery. The book refers to the time of roundabout 1920, serving as a lead in of the 1960s and later time. Bad as that recent history is for Jews / Israelis, Sha'i ben-Tekoa emphasises it did not start with the Balfour Declaration as many might think, but centuries earlier. 

Reading/studying the book takes effort but persistence pays off with a reward of a well crafted Epilogue. It makes for excellent reading, only to be truly grasped as being more than polemic by having read the whole thesis on which the Epilogue rests. Sha'i ben-Tekoa's book represents a massive undertaking and is a must-read for those truly interested in the Arab-Palestinian conflict and not live by sound bites and what the news media tell you.


January 1, 2019 - Amazon Kindle review – Ira Heller

I have been a loyal listener of Sha’i Ben Tekoa’s internet podcasts from their inception, and the advent of his searing insights into this topic coming out in print was long awaited. I have been continuously reading the kindle version of his book for years now, and have come to utilize it not only for its fascinating historical perspectives, but also for quasi-encyclopedic reference, as in my experience, nobody is better versed in this topic than Sha’i. As Sha’i often states, there is no better proof of the Jews place in history as the chosen people than the mere fact of the world’s obsession with the Jews, notwithstanding their compulsive need to lie about the Jews. Sha’i lays it all out in an organized, chronological fashion, and misses nary a detail. Anyone who is serious about knowing the

true history of the Middle East, and the backdrop in which this Phantom “Palestinian” Nation came to be, must have this work in their library.


David Bedein, Facebook, January 7, 2019

Readers’ Reviews of PHANTOM NATION

*Without Shai ben Tekoa's book, you cannot get what is going on. I was glued to the book for a full month.


Top international reviews

David Berman

5.0 out of 5 stars Phantom Nation Is a Book of Our Time


Reviewed in the United Kingdom on February 5, 2019

Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase


This is as near one could get to an historical account of events relating to the Israeli Palestinian Arab conflict that one could ever hope to get. A thoroughly fantastic and comprehensive book. A recommended read for anyone wishing to enhance their knowledge of this unfortunate and unsavoury conflict.



5.0 out of 5 stars The Palestinian so-called Nation turns out to be a total Reviewed in the United Kingdom on September 4, 2019

Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase


Brilliant explanation to the Israeli/Palestinian problem.




Lecture by SbT about the book in Los Angeles, March 2014


Emmanuel Winston Memorial. Menachem Begin Center, June 2014


Thomas Jefferson and Islamic Fundamentalism


Eliyahu Berkowitz


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